when a client rolls through your dms… and turns out to be a harvard grad, doctor, mom, chattanooga homegirl and an all around amazing human—wowza.
her vision? a kid-friendly dental practice in her hometown that doubles as a glam spot for glow-ups. because at BEAM, it’s all about the smiles. so we played to that uptempo beat with soothing hues—bone whites and desert neutrals—before bringing the mad happy with surprising pops of earthy rose [on the ceiling, uh huh], glimmering gold, and untethered splashes of sea foam green.
for dr. shah, only layers of lovely would do. the chic comes in waves in the waiting lounge where white oak library shelves, long-and-lean ottomans and tic-tac-toe define a chill zone for mom and dad. at the front desk, say hi to beamer the beta fish [and check out the logo: a shooting star that spells out “beam” in morse code]. over in the kids hangout nook, floor pillows + palm fronds, arts-and-crafts bins, and a set of swings dangling just so keep the tots entertained. [HOORAY for fun!]
down the hall [more sexy curves here],
the checkup rooms are anything but basic—moss scribbles, 3D wall art, the works. at the back, peep the bathroom, where penny tiles spell out a secret message. before you go, pick out a custom toothbrush from the rainbow wall and find your prize inside a series of antique mailboxes with a custom paint job.
that’s right, we made experiential dentistry a thing. can you dig it?